Definitely Dark Times

During the days of the Black Death women survived to a greater percentage then men. Theories abound as to why. I hod with the men never do as they are told theory. They just didn't drink the herbal tea their witch wives told them they should.

The end result was more surviving wives ended up in control of property the Catholic church wanted. And so was born the Spanish Inquisition, which in truth was everywhere in Europe and not just Spain.

The church in all its evil maleness came up with a plan to get the property and put women firmly back where they belonged: under the control of their male masters. They promptly declared all surviving females of the black death as witches and offered to remove the satanic demon from their bodies with a bit of torture they would have to pay for. Well, the old priests quite enjoyed the torture part so they made it worse and worse and worse to the point a women could be found innocent of witchcraft and possession only by dying when burned at the stake.

The church even managed to get all the friends of the woman accused to buy the firewood. The hotter the fire the less pain. In fact the witch could die of lack of oxygen before the fire reached her knees if the fire was hot enough. Other witches yet accused came to the burning with several pieces of wood to throw on the pyre knowing the lazy celibate priests would skimp on the fuel because it was the torture they loved the most.

It was, after all, not about relieving the women of a demon. It was about killing the woman and seizing whatever property she had left after paying for her torture.

And thus we come to the current time with a twist. This time the old white men are making the women keep the demon child inside here even if it kills her. And her husband or father takes her property. They wouldn't want her charged with murder of an embryo. They are still, like the dark days before doing this for her own good. They are saving her soul. Besides death row appeals just take too long to acquire her worldly goods even if she can afford a white male priest . . . er, lawyer.

And in case she thinks of quick deeding her house and four other kids to her husband and fleeing Alabama to obtain a legal abortion, they have made that subject to life imprisonment. Even miscarriages are illegal if the courts can prove it was intentional.

And all this because she prefers her cat to another baby. But keep in mind it is not about saving the woman's soul. It is about keeping her barefoot and pregnant as they say in the south. And if she is beaten regularly (torture) unable to flee.

It is all about subjugation and control.


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