My day to whine

A foot of snow when three inches was forecast. No power. No internet. No cell phone service. Grateful I still have my land line. But I can reach nobody who has a cell phone, even those out of the area, because I deleted the long distance option with Century Link because of the expense. This is like being on Lake Powell in a house boat totally cut off from the world but today it is the snow and not the high canyon walls limiting my access to the world.

Because of the heavy spring snow on the hoop house I am having to go out every hour or so and shake or brush it off the covering plastic to avoid total collapse. Note: if it weren’t for the solid ends it would have collapsed already. We are looking at three more days of this.

Currently I have a fire going and am thankful I took the extra effort yesterday to bring in an ample supply of firewood. But I am wet and tired and frustrated. At least, before the power went out at 4:35 a.m, I had my coffee made, and had cooked and eaten breakfast.

Finally connected with Kit Carson Outages on the land line. They are aware of the outage of power AND internet AND cell towers. Not sure I am happy about that. Means there has been a cascade failure instead of just one GFI or line down. Did get a tech who still had his sense of humor. Not sure I do. They have been working since 11:00 last night so I want what they have been drinking.

Warmed up a cup of coffee on top of the wood stove where I have my hat and winter glove arranged so they might dry before I have to put them on again. Thankfully I did not put the high snow boots away so at least my feet are dry and warm as I wade out again to shake the snow off the hoop house.

The ever great emergency planner was unable to find any of the emergency lights. Teach me to reorganize and declutter my environment. I knew exactly where they all were before. The good news is the sun, or what passes for the sun in a snow storm, is up and ambient light, inside and outside, is passable.  If I fall in the mounds of snow around the hoop house my body won’t be found until June? Maybe May if the weather forecast is right about rain this afternoon.

Every once in a while I get the Pollyanna spirit and stop the shoveling and record the branch breaking beauty around me. Took a photo of the now infamous chairs, stars of every snow storm, with their 15" covering of snow. If the power and internet ever comes back on I can post those. I toy with changing into dry clothes but why. The new ones will just get as wet.

8:15 am the temp us up to 30 and the snow is just flurries. Heated another cup of coffee on wood stove and toasted some whey bread. Eating it with avocado. Seeing why farmers have two breakfasts. Lots of energy expended since first breakfast at 4 a.m. Toward the south the clouds seem to be clearing.

I saw the sun briefly. And I heard my neighbor out with his tractor with the snow blower attachment. If the internet and power would come back on I would be a happy camper. So want a nice long hot bath.

8:50 power back on. No internet yet. No cell phone. Bath in my immediate future and dry clothes.

10:15 a.m. washed, warmed, and in dry clothes. Cell phones (some) are back up but internet still down.

12:05 p.m power back down and still no internet.

3:20 internet back up but no power.

Wish it would all come together There is a spot of blue sky but I think there is 6 more inches tonight forecast.


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