So Much to Do

And I am so depressed. I had such plans for spring and summer. I hit the ground running till the 18" of snow on May 9th. For the next few days it seemed to be one road block after another. Gutters were suppose to go up today. Handyman broke his truck. And to further impact my schedule I volunteered to have the June 10th garden club meeting at my garden. Too bad they may need to go into the house too.

I should relax and just take it all one chore at a time but I get overwhelmed at the enormity of the task before me and sit like a rabbit in Watership Down totally tharned out in the middle of highway. In part I just feel so far behind. Enter the Garden Journal I keep. I thumbed back to last year and I am really about two weeks ahead as far as edibles in the hoop house.

But I made no notes regarding poppies or hollyhocks. None of the former and only a couple of the latter have poked their leaves above the soil. And this coming weekend was when I went to the nursery in La Cuerva and got more plants.

Reading further back to 2017 there were three hard freezes in June!!! That didn't help the depression.


  1. This is par for the course for the gardener in mid May, PANIC season. It must be especially hard for someone with your ability to Get shit Done.

  2. And it always bothers me most when I have rushed to do my part and am waiting for someone (or some plant) to do their part. Patience is not my long suit.


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