Repeat Offender


Guess I am a repeat offender. This is the third time in Facebook Penalty Box. For those of you who have never been so punished let me say it seems so totally unfair. First time was because whoever reported me did not understand the placement of the apostrophe. I had it right so they should have been in jail because they had it wrong.

Second time I pointed out that old white men were the cause of women's problems because they did not understand female anatomy. This time it was defending one neighbor over the abuse of another who has also abused me. I wrote it like a fable with no names, no dates, no specifics. No cuss words. I am pretty sure it was the witch (with a B) who reported me. I have blocked her from my page once before when she wrongly accused me of stealing her dog. I block several other people who she called to her defense on a community page which I left abruptly and will never go back to because of the abuse they rained upon me at her urging. When she discovered her dog was run over and not stolen she never made any apology public or private. Or explain to her gang I was wrongly accused. That is about ten former friends deleted from my pages.

I changed all my posts to private after that. But if I want to share something to either of my two fan pages the post has to be public. And Facebook, in what I can only call a trap, then switches back my private master setting to public. Bait and Switch. I missed one switch and the blocked person took advantage of her name change to spy on me again. She has spelled her first name five different ways and as such has five different pages only one of which I had previously blocked. I went back and blocked all five. I can assume she has abused more than just me. So Facebook do you keep track of those who cry wolf? 

I changed my settings back to private. And am now looking at moving my business pages to another platform. After all they did nothing wrong. Facebook is still trying to sell me ads on those pages. But they are also in the penalty box and staying where they can be abused does not make good business sense. So look for Fiber Arts by Jacqui, Binford's Back Country Photography, and Binford-Bell Studio to move. Probably Blogspot which already has a Binford-Bell Studio page.

In fact, Facebook is still asking me what is on my mind. Sadly, they will not let me say. So here I am saying. I didn't do anything wrong. Kris with the five spellings did. Trump did for more than five years. And as far as I know he never was given penalty box time until we all screamed bloody murder after the January 6, 2021 insurrection. Trust me I did not do anything as serious. But I also do not have the public media to defend myself. I appealed the apostrophe but have never gotten a hearing. Meanwhile all my offences are cumulative with every judgement getting increased penalty box time. 

And truly Facebook is getting boring. I am trying out Instagram to keep up with friends. And messenger where I ready do most of my catching up with friends. There is talk about a marriage between the two. Maybe I will not need Facebook at all. 


  1. Eventually found it through Google and Pinterest. What a shame. Maybe you should unblock her and report her for abuse once you're up again. Then block her again. I am bored with FB as you may have noticed and really, Instagram is the more popular platform now.

    1. trying to make instagram work for me like post blogs. And then am going to move all my money making pages some place else
      I am on my way out


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