I Have This Photograph

I have this photograph
Capturing another
A moment forever frozen
Upon my refrigerator
Recalls to memory a happier time.

I have her picture
among others
A moment when she smiled
Smiling back at me
In my kitchen.

We had been on a hike
With friends and dogs
Middle Fork Lake on a Summer Day
Happy memories.

It seemed so appropriate
In her memory
To make more with other friends
Taking photographs.

The world was changed by her loss
And yet more
As if her spirit charged the air.
And I will forever
Have her photograph.

We sat on rocks
Warmed by the sun
Distracted by the dogs
Giggled not unlike that other time
Took photographs.

Friends on a trek
Photographs for the refrigerator
Memories etched in our minds
And sorrow
And photographs.

(c) J. Binford-Bell


  1. As bekkieann says, "Beautiful and heartfelt."
    No truer statement could be made; knowing it
    is with Kathi in mind makes this poem even
    more moving. Being able to express one's self
    through poetry is an exceptional gift, my friend.

  2. ... I sure she is most proud of this... hugs to you my friend.. and enjoy the memories


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