Sunday Sum Up for July 19,2009

I am not going totally away from Profiles. My Y360 archived blogs are there. But from now on (unless significant improvements are made and quickly) I will be posting most of my blogs on Blogger. And using the status message on Profiles for links to my new posts here for my Profile friends

I have been one of the longest supporters of Yahoo but I just cannot keep faith any more. I am tired of my modules having to be constantly re-arranged and not having any control over my site. Sick to death of Ice Blue. You can decorate IM and Twitter. Why not Profiles. But the most irritating thing is, since I was staying there to stay in contact with friends, is that I am not always getting the alerts that messages have been left. And lots of friends are moving.

Against all desires I have wound up more and more on Facebook to stay in touch with friends I had originally made on 360. And quite a few of us are here on Blogger. Google has added some very nice new friendship features like following. Dashboard is now like the old 360 home page.

Don't look for me on Multiply. I do not trust that site and will not even visit you there. Sorry, but they done me wrong.

Hey, it has been a fun journey. And I will check Profiles for messages and post links in status message but it is no longer the first blog platform I tune into every morning. I generally log on to Blogger and catch up with updates on Dashboard.

So Sad! Look for me on Chats with Charley II for the old 360 type blogs.


  1. Hi Jacqui, agree almost 100% with you the matters above, with the noted difference that I do not trust Facebook.
    I am hoping more of our friends from the old Yahoo360 join us here.

  2. I find Facebook relatively safe if you stay away from all the games and other bells and whistles which are produced by others and not veted by FB. Now it is Twitter that is being hacked to pieces.

    I was using Twitter but am dropping it. Use FB to drive people to my sites here and locate missing friends. Quite a few are here. More on FB. The ones that have gone to Multiply are lost because I will not go there. I do keep the Profile page because other than the zip file on my desktop my 360 blogs are archived on Profiles.

    I really love it here. More daily. Use Dashboard as a way of catching up with all the latest updates of friends.

  3. Already made my comments. I am not a happy camper regarding Profiles. Just need to be able to set up a link there, for here.

    I am on Multiply and FB is fun when I have the time but I am becoming increasingly overwhelmed by the requests I have there.

    I have quite a way to go before I master Blogger but then again, it took me quite a long time to master 360 but I made it in the end!


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