Another TW3

Friends around the table
Thanksgiving was fun with lots of friends and lots of laughs. Oh, but tiring with the cooking and the visits and the fair and just being away from my "safety zone." I guess my studio is my safe ground. I like being at my painting desk and applying colors to my world. It seems when I am out that the world gets control of the colors and the tone.

Fairs can be so very exhausting because of having to relate to strangers and old friends and keep your energy up and attitude positive. The packing up seems almost a relief. It is a pure physical activity that has an end. Well, except for getting home (that may be put off a day because snow in Angel Fire) and unpacking. And unpacking may be further delayed depending on the depth of snow on my property. But the fur kids will make all that seem unimportant.

Only 32 more days left in 2010, but in that short span there is the tree to put up and decorate, three paintings to do for an invitational show and for the gala anniversary of the Artspace Gallery. And the continuing dilemma  of the failed desktop computer. I am tired of holding on too tight. So what happens happens in the remaining days of the year. Latest electronic failure was my curling iron with half my hair curled of course.

But I am grateful for my sister and my handful of long term close friends that made it through this year. Grateful for my studio and my fur kids and that I can paint to my heart's content.


  1. Comfort zone is ultimately always the place where we want to be no matter how much we enjoy the activities and friends outside of it.
    Admitting that is corageous.

    Your words of thankfulness are touching. Family and true friends really come into their own when necessary and you are blessed to have them in the same way that they are blessed to have you in their lives .


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