Still April? And Still Winter

Magique and Mardi

I posted a picture in my 365 day challenge this week of Magique. The Fanpages on Facebook keep a count of the people that have viewed a photo and it was by and far the week favorite. No wonder people post pictures of cats on Facebook all the time. I have had one of those weeks where positive attention for posting pictures of adorable pets seems like a good thing.

And because of Mardi Gras diagnosis with liver problems I was in the mood to look up pictures of her and Magique, and store them in my Pet folder. The one below shows them both newly groomed and in show dog stance.

Best of Show
I have been doing research of proper diet to support Mardi's health as well as ordering the milk thistle and vitamin e the vet recommended. So I probably was not in the mood for one of the few TED talks shows I didn't like. The speaker denounced supplements and vitamins and worthless and advocated GMO products because it would solve the world hunger problem. Maybe we have solved too many world hunger problems.

I am at that age that when Mardi dies I am not sure I am replacing her with a puppy. Maybe I will just foster. Or provide a forever home for an older dog. Or maybe Magique and I will be enough.

Magique in pond water

Here is hoping the coming week is ever so much better. I am ready for a long and sustained round of good luck.


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