Fall Coming

Red Sunflower

There is a point in August when the wind comes from a new direction and carries with it a hint of cool weather coming. This year I was down on the Bosque north of Albuquerque when fall arrived. Thus proving it didn't have anything to do with my higher altitude in Black Lake. And it isn't just a coolness to the breeze but the smell of fullness or ripeness. Fall smells different than spring or summer. 

Changes in color on the bosque

I returned to my Black Lake home to find the wild asters in bloom, late cowslip. The rust colored sumac in seed is missed. We missed the wildflowers of the spring because of the winter drought which continued into early summer. 

Mare and foal in the fall 

I have felt off step through the summer with my edible garden efforts. Root crops did not produce and I lost my Spanish garlic crop for some reason. Greens and chard fed me well but Broccoli and Brussels Spouts were disappointing. But the flowers in my beds made up for it. The hollyhocks, poppies and now the sunflowers were a joy this summer. Putting sunflowers in the poppy bed was perfect because they came into flower when the poppies turned their effort to seeds.

Oriental poppy seed pods

The sunflowers and the African Daisies are still blooming but one day soon a killing frost will come. I have new baby lettuce about ready to pick and will need to pull all the past-it plants so I can cover that bed. There is something so final about that action. And I know I cannot protect my flower beds. Or the containers which flowered all summer. I have moved the lavender one inside. And soon I will have to get straw to cover all the beds against winter. Meanwhile I am starting a new iris bed. Fall is the time for that. Fall is so busy with Angel Fires Studio Tour preparation, a new to me dog settling in, and preparation for winter.

Red sunflowers do multiple blooms

But it is also with just sitting and enjoying the flowers. And taking their pictures of course

African Daisies


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