The New to Me Fur Kid

BoBear in Thicke's chair

My father was famous for declaring, "No more dogs in this family." That never happened. We always had dogs. Dad at one time raised and trained award winning field champions: Irish Setters and Beagles. As an adult I understand the pain of losing a dog and having to find its replacement in the family, and my father's momentary desire to never do it again.

And I did it once. Briefly. I worked for an international construction company who transferred me three times in one year. Finding apartments who would take pets was not easy so I tried it without a cat or dog. I don't do well without fur kids. I like them better than people. And I usually have multiples. The last two years is the first time I have had only one of each.

Thicke has made it totally clear he does not want another cat in the house. And he works hard at his role of sole feline.

Thicke posing in the sink

And it has been three years with only one dog. After Mardi Gras crossed the rainbow bridge two weeks less 17 I chose to be happy with just Magique. But Magique had never been without another dog in the house and her grief was huge. And so I started taking "guest" dogs into my house to keep Magique company.

Mardi Gras and Magique

Magique is now 15 and a half. She has drastically slowed down in the last 6 months. And so I started looking for another dog. I signed up for several rescue groups for a standard poodle or a labradoodle or a German Shepherd(there were two of those in my past). I even thought of getting another puppy. But there seems to be so many adult dogs needing forever homes. But my needs are complex. Thicke has his list of requirements beginning with the cat rules. And taking guest dogs in has become a good business and lots of fun. I despaired. Even considered being happy with just Thicke and my guest dogs.

Then a friend told me I shouldn't look so hard. The right dog would find me. And he did. He is my first ever Australian Cattle Dog. And was loved by his owner who because of changes in his life realized he could not give George, his original name, a satisfying home. He is now trying life without a dog. I wish him luck. BoBear, new name, is settling in quite well. He even has Thicke's approval which is not easy to get. Magique approved of his moving in and trained him to use the doggie door. Hopefully she is around a while longer to pass on more of her considerable knowledge of how to keep me happy. But grief is not far away.

But having BoBear means I won't be able to fall into copying my father with a declaration of no more dogs. I know that is a lie.


  1. I am delighted to read this.I know you were looking but only caught on in the last few days, that you had a permanent new family member. I regrettably missed the arrival on FB. I am sure you and the other fur kids will be very happy together.

  2. So true that an animal companion will find us! The difference in life span between us and them is a source of much grief. Glad to see Thicke’s wishes are taken into account. Wishing you and George/Boo Bear much happiness.


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