
Showing posts from April, 2019

Our Country is Worth It

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says Trump isn't worth impeaching. I assume she means the divisiveness it would create for a failed attempt at getting him out of office. She may be correct in the fact that an impeachment, essentially an indictment the Senate should address, would fail because the Senate controlled by McConnell would never even bring the matter up for a vote. And I agree. But I still say we MUST impeach. We, the American people, need to create an enduring record of the crimes against our government and its people. We need articles of impeachment on the record if for no other reason than a black and white record for history, and the future if we have one. Clearly Attorney General Barr is going to deny us the work of Robert Mueller and the special council. But deep in our hearts and souls we know what it says. We daily have proof of #45's crimes. And he continues to do them and more because he feels he has gotten away with it. We need the articles of imp...

Road to Recovery?

Desktop is back in its place.  Thicke is thrilled. He sees morning time at my computer as his. He has his box beside me. And he has a library table and computer desk and my lap to run across. And the desktop is a center of my chargers for all my electronics. It is where I keep my coffee mug warmer, my calendar, etc. So while it feels I have come back home not all is right in my snug little center. The computer seems to have a video card issue still. I still have my cold though it is getting better. And it seems Facebook has crashed this morning. I am at last aware of all the horrid things which happened in the USA and I cannot post my outrage to Facebook. I cannot call Drumpf a deranged autocrat! on my tablet or laptop or desktop. I cannot demand impeachment for the sake of the American people. We need to go on the record about our abhorrence of what this dictator is doing with the blessing of Mitch McConnell and the GOP minions. Was being disconnected from all the drip dri...

The Beast within Me

The Alien beast living in my body Sounds like a dragon or an invading army. It rumbles in my chest from my tummy   to my throat And spews like a volcano. I try to make it sleep afraid to wake it with that first cough Its tail tickling my throat One cough is never enough From throat to abdomen it runs. And back again at last quiet for the briefest of times Until the dragon again awakes. I did everything I could followed all witchy advice I avoided eastern carriers Drunk elderberry syrup. The witches lied I feel so betrayed huddled here in my cave around the dragon within. Jacqui Binford-Bell Note: I have lost four pounds, perhaps more friends. I am a pariah among my own people. A carrier of the dreaded beast. But today I know I will live. But clean up won't be pretty.

Where There is a Will, There Must be a Way

Some years back Microsoft made a mistake and came up with an operating system nobody liked. In a couple years they realized their mistake and came up with something better. I was sure the same would happen with Windows 10 but no. At the very least before they stopped supporting Windows 7, I expected a professional version of 10 but that is also a no. So it looks as if I may be stuck with IT, the clown in the sewer of the Stephen King book, so I am now looking at work arounds of its major limitations. Do not send me to Microsoft Help because they are no help. They consider their new operating system flawless. Course, if that was the case, why all the endless updates?  Within hours of the second updating of IT a friend told me here basic complaints were the updates and file organization. Specifically how it handles photo files. I totally agree. They never seem to be where I left them. And then they also decided to rename things. What on my Windows 7 computer is folders is on ...

Times Are Changing

A couple years ago I bought an HP Laptop with the view that my desktop was aging. The theory was to transition from a desktop to a laptop with peripherals i.e. keyboard, wireless mouse, external hard drives, second or third screen. It seemed like a good plan. All those extras would take care of what I did not like in a laptop. The laptop came with Windows 8.1 which Microsoft from day one refused to let me keep. I had no sooner booted it up than it updated to the dreaded Windows 10. Okay, there must be a fix I told myself. And there was. With help from Google I transitioned back to Windows 8. Microsoft restarted my computer in the dead of the night and updated back to Windows 10. As I am writing this IT (I think of it as the Clown in the Stephen King book of the same name) has warned me it is going to do an update yet again. Try as I might I seem unable to get it to obey me as to proper time to update the system. And every time I think I have learned enough about 10 to make peac...