Times Are Changing

A couple years ago I bought an HP Laptop with the view that my desktop was aging. The theory was to transition from a desktop to a laptop with peripherals i.e. keyboard, wireless mouse, external hard drives, second or third screen. It seemed like a good plan. All those extras would take care of what I did not like in a laptop.

The laptop came with Windows 8.1 which Microsoft from day one refused to let me keep. I had no sooner booted it up than it updated to the dreaded Windows 10. Okay, there must be a fix I told myself. And there was. With help from Google I transitioned back to Windows 8. Microsoft restarted my computer in the dead of the night and updated back to Windows 10.

As I am writing this IT (I think of it as the Clown in the Stephen King book of the same name) has warned me it is going to do an update yet again. Try as I might I seem unable to get it to obey me as to proper time to update the system. And every time I think I have learned enough about 10 to make peace with IT they update it and turn it into another sewer creature.

And so while I have got all the hardware to make IT my primary computer I am still not comfortable with a single thing it does which I have a computer for! The worst being how it stores photo files. I still do all my photo editing on the desktop and jump drive some photos to IT. It is not connected to my printer. And the screen I bought to provide better color for photo editing (Laptops have strange screens) is still not hooked up to IT. Instead I watch Netflix on it. Keeps me calm and prevents me throwing IT across the room when it thwarts me yet again on jpg file organization.

Why go to the time to learn to photo edit on IT when I won't be able to find the files once I have done that?

So today the nine year old desktop escalated on its issues. I thought it might be the screen a couple weeks back. Then it occurred to me it could be the Video interface, if that is a thing. The screen loses it signal. I had thought lately of just taking the desktop to the local wizard and have him repair it. My sister did that recently with her aging desktop. Mine is one year younger.

Or should I just pay the same local wizard to come over and make IT obey me. Or teach me how to do that. BTW not my first rodeo. I began my computer era with the Commodore K9. And I hate the trashing of all the metal and plastic and chemicals that are in a computer. Rebuilding them seems like a smart choice. But sooner or later Microsoft will stop supporting my beloved Windows 7 (I really like SP better) and I will be forced to play on IT's field.

No I cannot afford a Mac and all the software upgrades. Silly you.


  1. I am confused as I really don't understand how or why you are having problems with 10. I like it although I still have 7 (which I liked better) on my work desk top. I loathed 8.

    1. I tried replying to your comment last night on my tablet. Could have been the cold, the tablet or the internet but it didn't work.

      Why I find Windows 10 so awful is it has no flexibility. And no professional level. It makes organizing of jpg files absolutely obtuse. Wrote a second blog to address some of that.

      I am 70 plus years old. Don't change the vocabulary or normal ways of working on me NOW.

      I also do not like Microsoft software programs. I don't like their photo editing program, or their browser, etc. And it doesn't like that I want to use something else. It shoves me back into their choices.


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