Life on the Front Lines


End of Canyon Days

Day 33 Calfs Canyon/Hermit's Peak Fire, containment 21%

Acres burned 172,284, Firefighters 1,535

Yesterday I learned how to make mobile deposits on my corporate account. Just enough different from my personal account to be utterly confusing. First big tech cell phone thing I have done without my tech support. I miss my sister for that and morning talks over coffee.

Then I decided all the beds around the house needed watered. I am not sure I am gardening this year. The Fire Winds have close to destroyed the hoop greenhouse so I am gardening in raised beds and protecting best I can the bees and red butted bumbles and all I planted last year. Besides having the vegetation around your house wet and healthy is best. 

I love my two blue spruces in the front yard so after mastering the mobile deposit I began pruning the branches up off the ground and away from the house. My Mora friends sheltering with me joined in the sweeping up of all the pine needles and picking up all the pine cones. Saturday I had begun the day going to the Dollar stores to secure water jugs and bottled water in case the winds brought down the power lines. Then gone off to Angel's Attic to meet friends. It was part fun and part battle planning if you will. It is wise to consider your options if the worst happens. If nothing else it makes you feel less helpless.

And I have been sharing the fire news with friends who care, and those with some investment in the outcome. I have become more and more part of the Black Lake contingent, and less an Angel Fire person. Having evacuated Mora friends staying in my vrbo was very natural. The fire map is witness to every place I camped or fished in my youth. This is where I grew up. I know the hills, and campgrounds and the trails of this land.

And this is where I live now - North Black Lake. I am one of the study areas they are preparing to fight if it becomes necessary but the Fire Wind event. BTW the spelled Moreno wrong. But basically all the people from somewhere else who have been helping defend us from this fire have done really well with the language here. Last night Ocate, my post office, just below the Cooks Peak Fire (there are about five different fires) was evacuated again. In the days ahead I may write about the little towns. I used to camp with my family in Holy Ghost down in the lower left. Good ghost story about that camp ground in the Pecos. Chacon has three ghosts.

Be safe, be prepared and above all be kind to your web footed friends as the song went.


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