Catch Up - Accent on the positive

My New Nikon D90
One of my long time blog friends commented that he was looking forward to a positive blog from me. Not that he was whining about my whining - just the blogger way of wishing you well. So I figured a blog accenting the positive might be nice. Always thank the spirits for what is going right in your life. Above is definitely one of those!

Cameras are for me a tool and a hobby and a form of Zen Meditation. Well, until I try to wade through the 278 page manual (already tossed out the Spanish versions). I love my new camera. So much so I am thinking of selling my Nikon D70. Was going to keep it as a backup. And the new puppy has a 18-105 zoom wide angle lens I like a lot. Don't know if you can see it in this particular picture but it has a port for a GPS. What is that about?

Golden Bolete gnawed by squirrels
I am also rather excited about the wild mushroom season and yesterday took camera with me to record a few of my finds. It has been a few days since it rained and so the mushrooms that are up have been for a bit. This one above was gnawed on by creatures. And the good news is they are not lying dead within feet of this feast. I always leave a few in a field as an offering to the creatures that testify they are edible.

Rains also bring flowers. I took this picture of two sunflowers lazing in the sun by a pond. Doesn't the one on the right look like it is wiping its brow? "Boy, is it hot." "Just hang loose," says the one on the left.

Yesterday, I reported that my Dewalt compound miter saw was back from the repair shop. During my recent trip to Santa Fe I got a new blade for it. So I am good to go on frames and also on doing the railings for my new steps. While at Lowe's I also bought two cool post caps for the steps.

I have trouble doing the same thing twice the same way. And admittedly the steps and railings on the rental side were my first. Great job for number one but I am doing some things differently on my side. I am always jealous of my rental unit as I do things first there as it provides income. So my new promise to self is on my residence I will do things better.

Rains are due back today. Which is good from the shroom hunting but not good for step building or lawn mowing. So it is either more art work today or taking off to a movie with a friend.


  1. Not only will you get to take great quality photographs with your new camera it will keep you fit carrying it about LOL.

  2. It is not heavier than my D70 but the lens on it is. I am an SLR person and I cannot get used to the point and shoot little digital cameras which I am told are going out very soon.

    I have a great camera bag that has a hip belt adaptation for taking on hikes. And I am getting a hand strap for the camera. Find as I grow older I don't like them around my neck.

  3. I bought this camera about 5 months ago. Not that thrilled with it. Maybe when things settle down a little, you could teach me some of the good stuff!

  4. I love my D90.

    I agree about the camera around the neck. I need to look into a strap.

    I also agree with on the point and shoots. They do not feel like cameras. I recently bought a Fuji PandS but much different than most. It looks and feels like a camera.

    Nice shots.

  5. Everyone raves about the D90, Jennifer. What camera did you own before? And what lens do you have for it.

    I had the D70 before so not that much different except for some of the enhancements. It shoots video for instance. Be happy to go play with you and your camera.


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