Weather About to Change

Storms on outskirts of Albuquerque
We have had such absolutely delightful Indian Summer weather. And one forgets that by the end of October we could have our first snows. Historically the local ski areas begin to make snow around Halloween because the temps are such they can begin to build a base. But the temperature has been in the 70's with 74 F scheduled for today. However, there is rain forecast and tomorrow will be in just 60. It is 6 am here and sun has not made an appearance yet.

Winter is coming like it or not. I have the firewood bought and stacked in the woodshed but there are a list of other tasks to be completed before winter hits like the railings on the back steps and the grass trimmed around the flower beds before it is laid down with snow.

But I also have less than two months before my big show in Albuquerque. That issue makes me almost look forward to less than perfect fall weather so I will want to stay in the studio and work. New Mexico rarely has consistent bad weather so no doubt I will be able to do the outside chores for much of October. There will just be days when a fire in the wood stove will be nice. And I will want to stay inside the sun warmed studio.

My goal is to finish the current round of paintings and then do some frame making. That would also be a good time to get the railings done on the steps. Get all the messy saw stuff done at one.

I am at the moment kind of looking forward to the rain of the next couple of days. I love watching weather move through in the mountains. And we need the rain.


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