TW3 and Lunar Eclipse and Solstice

Going to get a bit airy-fairy here so if you are a non-believer in the effects of planets upon our lives skip this blog.

I was siting here with my first cup of coffee, considering the past week for my TW3 blog, and scanning my way through Facebook News (is that an oxymoron?) when I hit the link from Big Sky Astrology regarding eclipses and solstices. Seems this solstice eclipse is going to be in 29 degrees of Gemini, my sign, and it has not occurred for 19 years. That got me looking back at the changes in my life 18 to 20 years ago. Dynamic time for me. And there is no denying that the last year has been very dynamic. So I went Googling. And at another site where I found the image above I found:

In a spiritual point of view, a Lunar eclipse intensifies tremendously the power of a regular Full Moon: the Tibetans say that a Lunar eclipse multiplies the karma by 1000!…Whatever you do on a Lunar eclipse, + or - 5 days, can have implications during years on your karma… it depends on what we wish, what we ask for and how we act on that particular moment.

That certainly got me looking back at the last five days which is roughly what this weekly blog is about anyway. Changes are often not dramatic but subtle and five days ago my battle with HP over the Pavilion desktop changed: I realized they were not going to give a single inch. It was all about me having to take their replacement for the faulty computer like it or not. It has been shipped and will arrive here today on the eve of the eclipse and winter solstice. Hopefully it works, but by e-mailing customer service I have gotten permission to by pass tech support and ship it back if it does not immediately boot up. More on that issue later. I have grown very weary of the entire matter and yet they have sent me another customer un-satisfaction survey to complete. Like that has changed in the two weeks of this battle and the 5 other surveys I have taken for them. I do get the feeling they don't read them.

Once I gave up with HP (I won the battle of them not repairing the first computer but sending me a new one) my focus changed to painting, photography, and exercise. Friday was the 7 Years and 7 Ladies event at the Artspace Gallery. We are very dynamic ladies. Those seven years have not been easy for any of us but we have survived. And we have continued to grow as artists. I find myself wanting to branch out in a different artistic direction; paint not just pretty pictures but ones that speak to myself and my growing client base. So maybe that is part of what I am asking for. Certainly the week ahead with the eclipse and solstice is a time to look inward and seek what it is I want for my future. Or ask what it is the universe wants of me for the future. And Listen!

Whether you believe in astrology or planetary influences or not I think it is always good to stop now and again in our lives and take stock of where we are at and where we are heading.  What we really want. So often we get stuck in the just keeping on keeping on; putting one foot in front of another without consciously thinking of the path we are on. And this last year that has been a level of success; just maintaining some sort of balance at the plate when the universe kept throwing bean balls at my head.

The next week will be a powerful and reflective time for me. No idle wishes.


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