TW3 - the week of HP

I would like to say HP is the Grinch that stole Christmas but I am not sure they are any worse or better than 99% of modern business. It all comes from Mexico or China with support teems in India or Texas (both have impossible accents) and CEO's in the United States that only care about the bottom line and not customer satisfaction.

I am so sick of being asked to take on line customer satisfaction surveys (even my computer nerd that destroyed the original HP had one) that I tell them it is really simple just note unacceptable for everything you ask me to rate. It doesn't help that because I do a very base rate on Qwest (because basically they were the first firm this year that lied to me) it is costing me 3 cents a minute to be lied to by HP.

You know when they say this call may be recorded to ensure customer satisfaction? Well, I am thinking of recording them on my end to compare the lies they tell. Supposedly they have an open file on a computer (might HP case managers use Dell?) with my record up and yet I have to tell them again and again the story. I think I saw this interview technique on a Lie to Me TV show. I give up. I am ready to sign the confession! Now I am not even trying to get the computer sent to me before Christmas. I am trying to get them to let me cancel the order and give me my money back before 2011.

This morning why I couldn't was a bank issue. My bank has no problem with it. Then if I expedite shipping I could get the computer faster after built so why cancel. Fedex ground will get it here in 2 days max because of where it comes from so why pay more? Then it was I could buy a floor model with an inferior processor or if I wanted the Intel 5 processor I could pay a couple hundred more for a floor model. Two days ago they had no floor models ready to ship - cancellations by other dissatisfied customers? But then 4 days ago they were going to charge me for the one I ordered.

I escaped to Santa Fe for two days with my sister to avoid having to communicate with HP. We had fun. I came home to more HP issues. HP shipped me the warranty which Fedex says they left on my porch. This is the warranty for the computer they cannot send for 18 more days. But their order status page looked like they might have shipped the computer too and left it on the porch. I called to see if that was the case and to cancel the order if it wasn't. I have been on the phone with them twice today to cancel.

I am so sick of this entire issue I am taking a 24 hour computer break. If HP let me cancel my HP order and had the money in the bank I am not sure I could stand ordering another computer. I am sick of computers. I am sick of corporate lies. I am not even logging into this machine on Monday and maybe not Tuesday. Ergo I am doing TW3 now. Hell, if this experiment goes well I might cancel DSL, the computer order, and all e-mail, and Facebook. I seem to remember being a lot happier when I was not lied to all the time.


  1. So frustrating.

    the other big lie is 'the cheque's in the post.

  2. I HATE that Kafka-eske runaround that corporations can give you with no pain on their side. You do what you need to do, just know that you are thought of warmly and will be missed.


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