Who I am January 11, 2017

Sunset in Black Lake
I read an article this morning written by Sarah Kendzior for a Dutch publication and posted by my Canadian friend. We're Heading into dark Times as chilling. She called on readers to write down who we are, what we have experienced, and what we had endured before illegitimate president D. Trump takes office because an authoritarian state can change who we are. I have decided to accept my assignment. This is just day one.

I like who I am. I am a photographer and I see it as a calling. I am ready to record the beauty and awe others are too busy to notice. I have always been a recorder. When we traveled in my childhood I kept the records of miles and cities we passed through; took pictures with my little Brownie camera, drew sketches in a sequence of notebooks. We traveled. My relatives did not. They were the solid mid-westerners in Kansas City, Missouri. We were the nomads who settled on New Mexico.

My Aunt Louise didn't even believe New Mexico was part of the United States and offered me sanctuary during a small local uprising in the state when I was at the University of New Mexico.

I think I have always had trouble understanding that particular mind set. I spent the second grade in three different schools. My best friend in the fifth grade was Yolanda. Her family was from the Philippines. I loved her mother's cooking. Squid sauteed in garlic and vinegar was my favorite. I learned to ride a horse bareback from a Navajo. He also told me how to watch for changes in the weather. My father, the pilot, taught me the names of clouds.

The clouds in the photographs below are Asperitas clouds. One of the newest classifications of clouds (2009). Information is still being gathered about their formation and what they portend regarding the weather.

All of which brings me to what else I am; a constant researcher. Google was invented for me. Losing access to a free internet would be very hard for me.


  1. I'll be more than polite
    Your stuff
    is a treasure :)

  2. Er... Asperatus?
    I like the NM influenced "...itas" better :)

    1. It is asperitas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperitas_(cloud)


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