Moab - The First Days

We left at 4:21 in the morning on Sunday too excited to sleep longer. And had to drive through winter to get here. We saw tons of elk and not very much road because at times we were in total white out conditions. Still the early start got us here in plenty of time to do a beginning loop of Arches National Park to refresh the spirit. The remnants of clouds and snow were to make for some fantastic photos for the next days.
While it was still quite chilly we did have to stretch our legs from all the driving and take in some of the short treks to arches just off the loop drive.

Had missed Sandstone Arch on our first trip here but got some great photos of it on this trip.
Only on the beginning of our third full day in Moab. Seems as if we have done more than can be included in those days. But each day begins about 6:30 and goes to 7:30 or eight before we return to base camp to prepare dinner and enter into the continuing Yahtzee tournament.

Inspiration for paintings has been abundant and close to the car but the Jeep has also allowed us to get further away from the standard photo opps. Yesterday we went on a 10 mile back road trip to do a 3.4 mile round trip to Tower Arch. And the day before we did Shaffer trail to White Rim trail. Shaffer trail was a six year dream. And maybe the reason Debbie got the Rubicon. White Rim trail resulted in the experience at Musselman Arch among others.

I have found lots to inspire me. And the cacti have been blooming which deviates us from grand view photographs. I think they and my inspirations deserve their own blogs outside the travel log.

Debbie on Musselman Arch

Tower Arch

Just a small fragment of the photographs taken.


  1. Awesome shots; love these arches!
    Will be eagerly awaiting more of same!!!
    Ya'll be careful out there too, ya hear me? ;0


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