My first excursion into the canyons of Colorado Plateau was in 1963 when to celebrate my graduation from high school the family went to the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park. My sister and I did not get back to there until 2004 and then our focus was more on Arches and Island in the Sky and Bryce. I found my muse that August. And went to Lake Powell, formerly Glen Canyon, in 2006.

Tomorrow we depart to take another look at Arches and Island in the Sky but we are also going to the Needles and Maze area of the south part of Canyonlands National Park. Our intention is to see what we missed, but there are favorite spots we will no doubt revisit.

There will be three laptops and six cameras on this exhibition to the Utah part of the Colorado Plateau. No doubt when there is time and WiFi we will post the visions we see on our journey and have attempted to capture. But most important to me is to reconnect with the spirits of the walls and canyons. It is indeed a magical place and I need a refill.


  1. I'm all for the re-communing with your muse and I do believe I recognize a finished painting or two!


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