Monday Morning Chat Over Coffee - Eating Out

A friend hosted a potluck dinner yesterday. She grilled the meats and the rest of us brought something to add to the spread. Unlike the church events this one was rather gourmet and it was also a sit down affair. Laura sets a lovely table. But what always amazes me at these events is even without prior arrangement of who was bringing what it turned out great. As anyone been to a potluck were there are all deviled eggs? And why not? Wouldn't the odds predict this happening from time to time?

And don't we all have a dish we can be counted on for bringing: "Oh, here comes Aunt Sally with her 5 bean salad!" I like to do a Salmon pasta salad for summer picnics. Will show up with a special homemade chocolate item around Christmas: Homemade truffles or dried apricots dipped in dark chocolate. But for last night I made a spinach and Portabello mushroom quiche. I don't do that for just any potluck! The kitchen is a total disaster. I begin with fresh spinach and fresh mushroom and a pastry shell that is to die for. If I am going to that much trouble I make two. One for the party and one for home. I am having quiche for breakfast.

Which brings up the question: Do you eat your own dish at a potluck? And what dishes can't you eat? Potlucks are not as easy as they once were. Nor are dinner invitations. Among the guests we had a vegetarian who since last party has decided to stay away from all things dairy. He didn't eat any of my quiche. I stay away from things with corn products due to an allergy but I had to have some of the polenta Julia brought. At least a taste. I didn't dare do that with the soy dish. Another allergy. Then there are the lactose intolerant and ones avoiding bread who were not represented last night.

I am, unfortunately, amidst a group of people swearing off of caffeine. I am not entirely comfy with the chemicals used to decaffeinate coffee. I get a headache from decaf but have this tendency to forget that from one dinner invitation to the next. I also forget how uncomfortable over-eating is. I drove home vowing to never eat again. This morning I still feel stuffed with all the good food and sated on all the great conversation.

I must learn to take less food on to my plate and also to decline the decaf coffee. But then would it be a fully experienced potluck?


  1. The spread looks lovely Jacqs. I love all types of food. Up until a couple of weeks ago the only food type I disliked was parmesan cheese, from its vomit smelling odour. Then I tried it at Dave's encouragement on the italian dish I made for dinner that night. Omg, it was delish, once you get over that awful smell. Parmesan cheese on everything now! LOL. And I too have to practice eating less food, and use a bread plate instead of a dinner plate says the psychiatrist managing me for my future lapband. Still workin on getting down to pre target weight for surgery...*sighs*. Liana.

  2. Potlucks are the only way to gather friends for dinner! They almost always work out. Whether I eat my own or not depends on what else there is. I often bring a dish that can stand alone as a meal, like chow mein or quinoa salad.

  3. That looks great. I have never yet been to a potluck that was, as you put it, all deviled eggs. They always, miraculously, turn out. I don't have a standard dish. Last year at the neighbourhood Solstice I brought the last Brussels Sprouts from the garden, done Indian style with cashews and spices and tofu, on a bed of brown rice in the crock pot. It was vegan and one of the hits of the party. You had me pondering: might do a variation thereof, quinoa at the bottom, that wonderful roasted squash with feta on top, then a garnish of f roasted red pepper strips and cilantro...


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