The time has come, the Walrus said

To speak of many things. 
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings. 
And why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings.
Lewis Carroll

The events of the opening months of 2010 have given me pause. Winter is a time I step-by-step my way through and with spring comes a regeneration of energy, a list of todo's to make my house and land better. But this year with the ruling by the judge on whether I can keep my house pushed off to August I find myself wondering if I even want to keep it. I certainly do not want to spend any time or energy or money on improvements if I might lose it.

So April finds me rethinking my life and my goals. This spring and summer will be about enjoyment of the land around me and my fur kids. It will be about growing my art business. And it will be about re-establishing my sense of inner peace and spiritual connection. Nothing ruins that like a lying contractor and the legal system. Or it seems of late Facebook with all its glitches. Everyone can expect me there less. Because of business I will be on my studio fan page. Catch me there or here.

In two weeks I leave for Canyonlands and a road trip to the vistas that have always inspired me and given me peace. It will be a busy time with everything I have to do before my departure. I will try to blog because it does give me peace. And check my messages. And while on my trip I will have my laptop and camera and you can expect photo blogs on Creative Journey and here. If Facebook behaves with the links then friends there can get the updates on my life.

Hopefully the next month will provide me some direction and closure. Some serenity. Some peace. Things have to be different when I return the middle of May.


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