Monday Morning Chat Over Coffee - Facebook!

Don't you love the internet? You Google an image to illustrate a vague idea you have about a blog and TA DA! I love this one. In fact I loved this one so much you may see it again and again. Especially on days it is being particularly hostile to me. Like today.

Yes, I have one of those applications - a Firefox add-on - that allows me to block all the crap. But Facebook keeps inventing more crap I need to block. Ergo the first few minutes on my news page results in just resetting all my blocks. If I can get to my profile to begin with. None of my bookmarks on my tool bar or my Yahoo homepage will get me there. I get a white page unless I circumvent whatever they are doing and get there by way of a link they put in e-mail notifications of notifications of comments on Facebook.

The Notifications on Facebook are also not working well. Some I get only through my e-mail notifications of notifications. Some not at all. And I laboriously set up automatic loads of this blog to my main Facebook page and Creative Journey to my Fan Page. Those are definitely not working on my profile page at all regardless of how many times I have manually reset it. And works only when it dam well wants to on my Fan Page, which incidentally you don't become a fan of now after all the creation of fan badges, etc. placed as links on blogs. Now you just LIKE a page.

Then when their photo uploader using Java failed to work they stopped letting you go to their simple uploader and instead invented a new and improved uploader which 50% of the time does not upload. Photos just vanish in the ether if it allows you access at all. Its favorite trick is to shut down your browser. And it is a two step process to upload and then find the photos and then edit the photos. The simple uploader just showed you the photos to edit. No need to search.

But, hell, Facebook is improving my skills. Yesterday I mastered being able to type a status message without seeing more than the first line. Typing blind! And no misspellings. I am also learning seek and ye shall find - eventually. And lots of trials on developing patience. But be warned Facebook, I have failed to learn this trait even in Taos traffic. To this day I never drive through that town during tourist season.

Now for all this joy that Facebook claims to provide they are going to begin to share even more personal information with their advertisers.


  1. When I get that white screen, sometimes just clicking the Reload button on my browser will bring up the page.

    When FB rolls out its new "Connections", your personal information is not only shared, it may be kept indefinitely by applications. One of the articles I read also said the information will become more vulnerable to hacking. As if to prove the point, a hacker in New Zealand hacked in and stole and SOLD 700,000 FB passwords.

    I have removed all personal information and will wait for the new "Bio" section before I add anything back. Here are links to some important articles that explain this better.

  2. Thanks for the info about the sharing of information. I just don't know how much I can delete with a fan page to consider. But will go to my account and delete away and see what happens.

    BTW refresh has not worked. I am getting tired of back doors.

  3. Hoping that the latest FB "Like" change doesn't cause a knee-jerk reaction of companies simply blocking employee access to social media apps.

    If your company is blocking or threatening to block, here's a helpful resource. It's a whitepaper called “To Block or Not. Is that the question?”

    Share it with the IT Dept.

  4. I've come to realize that I'm not really that 'into' Face Book. I don't get white pages and when I receive a notification in my e mail in box I just click on the link and I'm taken straight to it. I don't use the FB icon on my Yahoo toolbar.

    I read and actually downloaded it to send to you.

    As I said last week, I deleted all my applications except three games.

    I love your cartoon - apt. very apt!


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