Off to the ball

Breakfast on Board

My date, Johnny Depp, was late, but he did pick me up at the Angel Fire Airport. In the greatest of Leer Jets. I was all bundled up against the cold in my traveling outfit which included the Harlequin coat I will wear later to the ball. As soon as we took off and topped the mountains breakfast of Eggs Benedict was served.

I thought I would be way too excited to eat a thing but I had skipped dinner doing last minute packing and was ravishingly hungry even sitting across from Johnny. He had brought along a couple of friends from the latest film he is working on. In fact the flight was late because of having to skirt the tails of Hurricane Sandy. He and his friends were all dressed as pirates. Does solve that worry about white Tonto makeup all over my gown.

Cannot wait to see Willow Manor as this is the first of their famous balls I have been to. Going to have to be really grand to beat all the excitement of preparation and the fabulous jet ride there. I, like my friend Barbara, brought two gowns just in case I do my klutz thing and spill something but finally made my first choice - the vintage taffeta gown. It looks awesome with the Harlequin coat for chilly chats on the balconies and walks in the garden.

The gown sans the wine red gloves

The vintage ruby and pearl necklace

My dancing shoes by no means glass slippers

And the Gemini mask hand made by moi
I will be putting the black face forward and sipping my beverages through a straw until the hour of unmasking and the buffet is laid out. I designed the mask so it slips up and becomes a hat for the main revels. Johnny wants to borrow it for his next film. As long as I get credit no problems.

And so off to the ball. My first every virtual grand ball at Willow Manor. Hopefully I do not turn into a pumpkin. Though with Sandy off shore we may all be held hostage at the manor. Glad I threw in an extra change of clothes just in case.


  1. What taste! I'm speechless. And Johnny too - what fun!

  2. Johnny said something rude to my date, and I laughed. Methinks I'm in the doghouse again!

  3. Sorry, Tom. Johnny has always been a perfect gentleman but Captain Jack Sparrow is entirely another matter.

  4. Am absolutely DYING for that frock coat!!!!! *sigh*

  5. It was the most expensive article of clothing, Mini. I agonized over spending the money. But I fell absolutely in love with it. And the derby hat is great for traveling.

  6. Oh, I absolutely love your outfit! And I was thinking of asking Johnny to go to the ball with me - you have good taste in clothes and men! I guess now we know why I'm being escorted by elephants! lol :o) I'll look for you there!

  7. Oh, that mask! I love it -- and it goes beautifully with your gown. I do hope you enjoy the ball. Watch out for our hostess, though. I happen to know that she has been carrying a torch for Johnny for quite some time. Just sayin'.

  8. Your harlequin coat is to die for! It's so very twirlable! Nice to see you at the ball, dear friend...

  9. If this was last year, I would not have been able to tear my eyes away from your date.Johnny Depp.

    Fortunately, this year I am in love with my date.

    Thank goodness because you look so good together!

  10. Jacqui Binford Bell~ you look stunning! That date of yours is quite fetching. Cheers Darlin!

  11. I'm so glad you went with that gown - you look stunning. Of course I know it's you even with my favourite mask but I won't tell anyone. You know how I feel about the coat and the hat already. They looked divine on you when you arrived. I see Johnny is enjoying the aged rum! It's so smooth it tastes like vintage port.

    Will catch you later - going to circulate and also see what Placido's up to - he's such a flirt!

  12. So smart to bring TWO gowns! And that coat! WOW!! And you know you wouldn't want to change Captain Jack in any way!

  13. With Depp, you may not need that extra change of clothes ;P And I can see why he wants your mask/hat. It is fabulous.

  14. Oh I loved your style and date!!!

  15. Oh now my heart has broken again! I never asked Johnny because he had mentioned he would be away filming a movie...and just had no time for balls the rest of the year-unless there was a certain rum (I forget the name) and here I learn that you were both there! Goodness, gracious so happy I never caught up to you both! :)
    As for your mask-I must have one like it!

  16. Hmmm, did he have an inside scoop regarding the huge RUM shipment that was to arrive a tad earlier? But then, you look divine and could tempt him away from anything....perhaps a little rum in the navel to make his night complete!!

  17. Who wouldn't want a hat/mask like that? :)

  18. Stunning outfit, a coat to die for, and best of all Johnny Depp to dance with.
    Who could ask for more?

  19. Last seen on a piano - not playing it - dancing on it!


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