A Failure to Communicate

Some days
Are so heavy
I want to hide
 it all
into the

 This has been one of those weeks. What seems so very clear to me seems so absurd to others. And what they say seems to make sense to them but reaches no connection in my soul or heart. Clearly there is a disconnect. A total failure to communicate. So why is everyone continuing to talk? I want to ask them what they want for lunch. Pizza or hamburgers?

That is where hostage negotiators begin. With the simple stuff. Coke or Pepsi. But in this day and age I fear even those simple questions are not simple. Asking them could lead to bigger verbal wars. I know people in the south which define friends on the basis of Coke or Pepsi. You are obviously a northerner and ergo an enemy if you like Coke.

And where do I, who likes water or coffee, fit in that paradigm. It classifies me as a bleeding heart liberal an acquaintance recently pronounced and I felt absolutely no reason to continue the conversation.

Was a conversation even possible. Are all these people talking or delivering their talking points even capable of conversation. Nobody seems to be listening. Maybe we need to come up with a paper on listening points. Will anyone read it. Can they read.

Note: If you know the answer or do not expect an answer, if it is a rhetorical question you do not need to use a question mark at the end of a sentence.

The news is filled with questions nobody wants to answer or is capable of answering. Even hamburger or pizza.

I talk to the rocks
they talk 
to me.
What they say
in my life.

More sense
than the echos
of people
as they walk.

with talking points
of their lives.


  1. They just churn out the propaganda that they've brainwashed with.

    1. Trump is running the GOP like a reality show. Every morning they get their script for the day. Everyone says the very same words in the very same order.

  2. Sad, true, beautiful post. I love the combination of prose, poetry and image.

    1. I am beginning to truly appreciate the blog space. You can do things you cannot do in the drive by shooting venue of Facebook.


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