Their Reality is Not my Reality

Looking Beyond My Windows

It is never wise to watch too much news or spend too much time on Facebook. Even have changed my streaming fiction choices. I don't like violence on documentaries about Hitler. Even Star Wars, once a favorite, now gives me the chills especially when the droids march in huge numbers.

Just before I got off of Facebook today I watched a short link about Trump's rally last night. Mistake. And they interviewed a couple of his loyal following and they were in tears about how WE were treating HIM. And they seemed to believe the whole child separation thing was the fault of Obama. 

Do they read? Do they watch anything but Fox News? Do they listen to anyone other than a Republican talk?

But then because of the hateful things they say I have gotten rid of all my Trump voting friends. And about 2.5 minutes is the max I can listen to Trump without throwing up. I tried to watch Fox News just to see what the other side was saying. I was afraid I would be brain washed by the brainless. Do not even look at the polls. The GOP is now predicting a Red Wave instead of a Blue Wave.

I have only one question? How awful does it have to be in central America that that many people are seeking asylum here? That is the stuff of nightmares.

But the good news, if there is good news, is I no longer blame the German people for Hitler. It is now so easy to see how they were compromised. And I totally understand the rise in suicides in the United States.

Just wanted to say that before signing off of the Internet. I think I am going to watch Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries again tonight. And why not eat another bowl of chocolate ice cream.


  1. I have never liked Star Wars much. Trek, yes, love it. But Star Wars has too much bang bang action movie stuff for my taste. I hear you about the other side. Conversation on the topic is virtually impossible, because they have decided everything they hear is ‘fake news’. Then Time makes the mistake of composing separate images to create a cover, making it look like it was one image, which vindicates them. Scary times.

    1. Have they decided it is all fake news? Or have they been brained washed to use that one line as an answer for everything which does not fall in line. I think it is a propaganda ploy the GOP has been told to use. Everyday they get a list of talking points for questions they might be asked. Haven't you noticed they all use the same exact words? They know it isn't the truth. They know what they are doing. That is the really sick point. They have drunk the KoolAid. And who ever said that Time covers have to be photographic truth? They have often been are artist's construct.

      Speaking of scary times my sister is going to church and a bible study retreat. I thought my father taught her as he taught me.

  2. I don’t know how much they decide for themselves. The brainwashing has been so effective....As for your sister, it all depends on which church. Not all can live by Reason alone.


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