What I Learned About me

Magique watching from a safe distance

I am in introvert. Always have been though my mother just said I was shy. Dad was the one who told me how to pretend to be the extrovert. And I was enough of an actress to carry it off. For short periods of time. It is exhausting. And quite frankly, contraindicated for artists.

My short withdrawal from Facebook made that all very clear. Facebook can be like endless games of solitaire - time wasting and mind numbing. And for reasons discussed in a previous blog I will probably always be there, but like Magique in the opening photo I am going to try and watch from a safe distance. Not easy for an addictive personality.

I am too in love with words to ever reduce my expressions to emoji. Get used to it because the blogs are back. And like a recovering alcoholic walking through a bar I am not going to touch the drinks. So don't expect me to click an icon to acknowledge that I have seen your post. I will either consider it worthy of a comment or pass by without notice.

Facebook, oddly enough, sent me a tip on how to keep up with friends without slogging through the swamp. It centers around my timeline, and the highlighted friends in the block on the left. It tells me who has posted recently. I will no doubt use that more, and scroll through the News Feed less and less, and then probably only when set to Most Recent.

Some have not missed me, some won't believe I am back, most won't care. But those that care I will be able to keep in touch with. And watch for more blog links. I am the party attendee in the corner who reserves the right to sneak away early, and then, like the theater critic, write a blistering review.


  1. Love it! As a fellow introvert - I agree!

    1. Time to remake FB in our image! So expect more than clicks from me because you are a special friend.

  2. Replies
    1. You were one of the few who followed me beyond the borders. And you are one of the reasons I came back.

  3. Good tips. I had a few days of limited internet involvement, made a mental note to go read your blogs, which I get notices on. All caught up now!

    1. I love you commenting on my blogs. One mountain woman to another. And I was definitely thinking of you during my time away because of how you thought FB ate time. And it can. But as Dad used to tell me, you don't have to do it all. Hopefully I can get better at triage.

  4. Glad you are back on FB. even though I like coming here. So keep posting the blogs on FB so I know when there is a new one. Glad you will commenting on my posts. When there are some hahahaha


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