Breaking the Addiction - Day One

A prickly situation

You often don't know you are addicted until you try to give it up. And not all additions are illegal or anti-social. Some seem beneficial and pleasant and are not even taken orally.

A few years ago I became aware of some of the not revealed side effects of Zyrtec, an over the counter allergy medication, I had been taking daily, all year around, not just allergy season, because that is what the label recommended for the best relief of symptoms. Mind you, at no where, outside the gray web, do they tell you about side effects nor do they advise you to not go cold turkey. I will also never ever try to give up coffee again. I could go on at length about the bad effects of both but that is another blog.

So when I declared I was going to step back from Facebook for an undefined period of time I had no idea of how addicted I was to the social platform. But yesterday I found myself, as I went through my day wanting to post a status message:

I am going without the anti-bark collar. Too early to declare victory.

How on earth do people do 10,000 steps?

Windows 10 has corrupted my Paintshop Pro X9. Damn you.

What is the relationship of tank psi to regulator psi?

Some days I really miss my father.

One of those got incorporated into a blog on my new compressor, one will no doubt be part of a future blog on temporary training tools used long term, two still have to be resolved without help. In the case of Windows 10 I am considering dropping the laptop by Kevin, the Computer Guy's shop as soon as I decide if I would ever pick it up again.

Today, as an experiment to access what is important about Facebook (beyond my friends there who have tempted me to check up on) and what falls within the scope of the Skinner box or Pavlov's dog experiments, I will post from time to time all day (on that laptop I am considering shoving back at Microsoft) those "random" thoughts I feel an urge to immortalize on the Facebook platform. Let the games begin

Eight seasons but I watched my first Parts Unknown. Always late to the party.

OMG, how stupid can people get.

I love a quiet morning. Fur kids all settled in and the last cup of coffee at.

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Is it haunted?


  1. Hang in there kiddo. You'll make it.

    1. Thanks, friend. It is not always easy in these trying times.

  2. Great observations. I so feel your pain! On the one hand, facebook has enriched my life with real connections, including the one with you. On the other hand it is a black hole into which time disappears. Time that could have been spent reading a book. Or writing letters. My goodness, what will the biographers of the future do?

    1. This series of blogs is a part of the Dark Times Journal I have kept since Trump won. I honor the memory of Anne Frank in doing this. But it also keeps me sane. It grounds me. Though I do have those black hole days. At another trying time of my life I was known to hit 4 to 6 movies at theaters in a day. Escapism is necessary from time to time.

      You are one of the gifts of this black hole. I have learned so much from you. I hope there are people in the future to record what we did here.


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