
The Offending Fountain

It all began with the fountain which stopped working well. The pump obviously needed cleaned. It is always a random arrangement of rocks and shells and broken pots. Nothing you could find at Jackalope. And taking it apart and beginning again always causes a mess. A mess which must be cleaned up. And that led to moving the plant bench. And then clean behind that. And at last it was possible to refinish the window sills. And then the windows needed cleaned.

That is not the story but the excuse for getting entangled in Facebook again. High drama with the whole internment camps for kids on the border and where were the girls and babies. They seem to be gone.

When I could not stand another horrid story I escaped to sanding sills, or staining them or applying polyurethane to them. High energy because I was so pissed. And so anxious because of all the unresolved memories and issues. But the friends on FB became group therapy for me.

I spent more time than I thought I had. More time than I wanted. I exceeded my self-imposed limits. But not time wasted because it was like an online therapy session. And you cannot deny how much I got done.

All which brings up another use for Facebook: I coffee break. An excuse to sit down and take a breath not far from the work site. Doesn't work as well with gardening but great for cleaning the room where the laptop sits.

But here is the good news. I recognized the entanglement with the drama on FB. Awareness is the first step to changing. And I did not sit numb in front of the computer screen. I got things done.


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