The Infamous Stairs

I have two porches on the back or north side of my house with two sets of steps. During the winter they can live under snow that slides off the metal roof. They are in sorry shape as you can see. And they have no safety rails. I have been saying I was going to replace them for three summers now and this is the summer!

I went down to Lowe's today and bought the stair stringers and posts and block supports - in short those items not readily available from the local hardware/lumber store. I am still a bit undecided about the safety railing because I know there is a code involved and haven't a clue what that code is. They only let licensed contractors know these little things. But as I have said I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER EVER hire a contractor again I am on my own with this.

I did my temporary steps on my studio I can no doubt do this. Twice. Tomorrow I begin one side at a time. And as I used to post progress photos and blogs of my studio finish I am going to do that again. Get your questions ready if you think this is a project you need to do.


  1. Totally admirable of you to tackle this! Wishing you luck and confidence.


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