Normal? What's That?

My life has been a whirling dervish since April. I used to do Sufi dancing and loved to whirl. Done correctly it brings tranquility and connection to higher powers.  But get just a bit out of sync and you get dizzy. The key is to not fight the music or the movement. Just whirl.

I have been in that divine space from time to time and it is transcendent. But I have also been so dizzy I have wanted to just stop. And I have been looking forward to the end of this dance. Back to normal pace. Only I am not sure what normal is at the moment or if I can yet rest on the sidelines for just a bit. It is certainly not today. The van awaits unpacking. And that is just the first of tasks I have put off until after my big fair of the season.

While I was waiting for my coffee to brew I did the dishes - well, 2/3rds of the dishes. Too small of a drying rack and too many dishes. And I stuffed dirty clothes into the washer to be turned on after my bath. No rain scheduled for today so they will be hung on the line after the dogs are walked. They have complained about the short walks of late. Then there is this whole list of items to be done after a successful show to keep records straight.

But since it was a successful show I have to schedule in some more painting among all the "home" projects put off until I had the money to do them.

I am looking forward to mid August. The last summer fair will be over. The next big fair is not until November and our traditional Indian Summer should allow a lot of pleasant days to get outside tasks done. If the lawsuit is settled in my favor I may even build that deck I have been promising myself since 2006.

Meanwhile, take a deep breath, align my spirit with the music and whirl.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I am so glad to hear you had a successful show! You deserve it, your work is beautiful.

  3. Thank you, Ien, for your kind comments.


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