Shoulder the Sky

I have recently gotten involved with reading Anne Perry's series of novels on World War I. I love historic fiction and Anne Perry has been a favorite of mine for her Victorian Era mystery novels feature William Monk and Thomas Pitt. I was gratified when reading No Graves Yet, the first in the series to find these books are also mysteries. Though the mystery seems secondary to horror of war.

I just finished the second in what I thought was going to be a three book series but evidently it was a longer war. Thus far there are five.
  • No Graves As Yet
  • Shoulder the Sky
  • Angels in the Gloom
  • At some Disputed Barricade
  • We Shall Not Sleep
The first two books which I have finished have definitely helped me understand the German/British connection. What a love hate relationship that one is. My father is of Irish, English and Scot ancestry and my mother was half German with a lot of other things tossed in there. Our home from time to time seemed like a reenactment of WWI and WWII .

I am currently taking a break from the series as I have not found Angels in the Gloom in paperback or at the library sale shelf. I have gotten involved with the characters that she uses to spin the war around and it makes this hideous conflagration more personal than Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (compulsory reading in high school). And she does give some serious handling to those opposed to war at any cost.


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