Monday Morning Chat Over Coffee - Why blog

I began journalling when I was in my late 20's. First I filled spiral notebooks and then moved on to bound sketchbooks that I sometimes covered elaborately. They were a mix of poetry and sketches and events in my life. I have them still - some filled to the brim and some only begun before chaos pulled me away from that particular journal. But I do go back to journalling. And I do refer back to events and pictures and insights in the old ones on my book shelves. Since the advent of blogging my journalling has switched to the Internet. Y360 was my first exploration of this new means of putting thoughts to paper. And when it closed down I realized there were some very significant blogs amidst the trivial day by day stuff. All the blogs are now on Profiles but I transferred significant ones to Chats with Charley II unwilling to again put all my eggs in one basket. When the court adjourned on Friday I realized there was some confusion over just what happened in June 2007 and want o...