My Turn to Whine

Qwest, my telephone provider and maybe eventually my DSL provider, called yesterday with an automated message saying they were now billing me for my DSL. They gave me a number to call if that was not appropriate. It wasn't. I have yet to receive me modem due here last Friday. That is the bad news. The good news is my old ISP has been as responsive as ever and ergo not disconnected that service which actually seems to be working for the first time in a month. I think that is proof it was their fault and not mine.

Turns out the number Qwest (as efficient as old Ma Bell) gave me was the incorrect one. It assumed a technical issue. And technically it was. They mailed the modem to the wrong address after my very carefully delivered instructions about not the rural route box! So my modem is in Las Vegas and has been there since Friday. I would be coping since I am not without internet except this morning we have one of those snow storms that sticks to the satellite dish and I have been outside sweeping it off five times already and each time thinking, "once I get DSL I won't have to do this anymore."

My sister called to advise me I should not be trying to diet under the stress I am on. She didn't get that a weight gain just adds to the stress. But so does the ex-husband (his testimony necessary for my case) who yesterday decided I was staff and demanded I take down a telephone number so I could call it and get a fax sent to him. I was in the bath and at the end of my play nice rope and told him just where he could shove it.

Men are like cats in that they expect owners to be staff. I no longer own this man and have no desire to ever own one again. They do no purr and they are not warm and fuzzy like Wee Willow and The Darkness. I will take a purr kid any day over a man. Dogs are even better because I can tell them what to do. And take them to obedience training to be sure they do.

I have noticed that having to listen to the male chauvinist pig of a contractor and be in a court room with only one other woman (my lawyer) has brought back all my Gloria Steinem sentiments from the 60's and 70's. I don't have any bras to burn but I am willing to substitute a short list of men.

I think men have missed the point. Given modern tools, cloning, artificial insemination, equal lending and housing laws, and supposedly equal pay a woman no longer needs a man in her life. So the key here is men have to make us want them. I personally think they are failing miserably.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello this is Steph at Qwest,

    I am sorry to hear about the difficulty in transitioning to Qwest high speed internet, we definitely want you as a customer! I want to make sure you have received your modem and if not that we get one to you right away so you can start your service. Please email me at with the billing phone number and billing address, and I will get to work on this for you.

    Steph Lake
    Manager, Talk To Qwest Team

    "At Qwest your account information is confidential and protected by law, so I need your permission to access the account.”

  3. Wow...I'm like totally impressed by
    comment left by Qwest!

    Just yesterday a friend remarked she'd told her husband to take note that she did not need him for anything...and that there were plenty of "sex toys" easily found.
    Silly me thought she meant appliances, but she meant "boy toys"!
    All men everywhere really need to wake up to the facts of life.


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