Get me out of here!

A friend of mine in Blogland said she just wanted to hide yesterday. I can certainly understand the sentiment but I was so out of it yesterday I did not even get an opportunity to think about hiding until this morning. Then I just wished I had. Instead I operated on automatic pilot getting signals from the legal team on seek and find missions and the infamous "only three more questions" which occurred no fewer than three times.

Then there was trying to find a reasonable hotel room in Raton, New Mexico. I was doing because of limited budget considerations. The sleepy little county seat of Raton is on Interstate 25 heading north to Denver and has no hotel beyond 2 1/2 stars. It goes for $107 a night! I don't sleep in one star hotels so I made a bid on a two star. They wouldn't take them. I get to try today. Meanwhile can anyone tell me whether they have struck gold again in that town?

I was trying the artistic version of hiding which is escape into painting. That worked reasonably well between telephone calls. So well at one time I forgot a meeting in town. I am president of the board and showing up is a good idea. And fortunately I had not opted out of answering the telephone or I would have missed the reminder. Then on one of the seek and find missions I found a notice for payment of my safe deposit box. When did that start being $76 a year? And what in hell is in it.

And so began the list of to-do's for today:
  1. See bank and close box. Can I pay for just the one month I am late? 
  2. Dye hair - or is it better to look like a slightly insane little old lady on the stand? 
  3. Go back to and make another bid - cross fingers that there has been an economic down turn since yesterday. 
  4. Decide what to wear on the stand - this is governed by metal detectors entering the court house ergo no belts, no jewelry, no jeans with rivets and zippers. Dress for power or look sweet?
  5. Wash best joggers because that is only thing which fits criteria in number 4.
  6. Coordinate with my two witnesses. They are men and evidently think I am making hotel reservations and supplying transportation. I think this is the fault of mothers.
  7. Reschedule Wednesday. Last minute appointment with legal team in Taos so everything that was to be done one that day has to be on today. Thursday morning is already over scheduled.
When the list looks like this I know what I will be doing - avoiding reality and hiding at my studio desk working on my triptych and another painting I want to start.


  1. At least you've made the list. Have you dyed the hair yet?
    How to dress: not sure - lawyers know best but downtrodden is not an option.
    Sod the one star - again not an option.

    And if I may say so, i think you have just found my new avatar!


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