June! Already?

My birthday is in the month of June. And I always get a bit crazy around significant days in my life. It is a time for introspection and review of the year and my life. Figured I would begin silly this year with googling other people sharing my birthday. One is Lili St. Cyr the famous burlesque dancer of the middle of the 20th century. She was creative, flamboyant and daring and someone who shares her birthday might be inspired to act a little bit more boldly in their every day life! I've done flamboyant and daring, Lili. 

Another performer and dancer born on my special day was Josephine Baker. 

I also share June 3rd with King George V of England and Jefferson Davis the president of the Confederate States of America. Actually ruling a country isn't for me. To keep myself humble in this regard I keep cats. Purr kids defy rule.

Allen Ginsberg the beat poet of  performance art  fame also was born on June 3rd. He and Raoul Dufy pushed the limits of creativity. Ginsberg with words and Dufy with color.

Discovery of his work this morning was an early birthday present. Don't you just love all that color?

Other people that share my birthday can be found on the Brainy History website. You might also want to look up yours. I found it rather inspiring.


  1. Oooh how wonderful. Lil and Josepephine? Well we know about the belly dancing and the snake!!

  2. If a comment is left in a language I cannot read I am deleting it.


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