This Little Window of Time

It seems to have been so long since I was on a normal schedule that I am not exactly sure what it is I am trying to get back to. Today I am going to contemplate that.

Yesterday included the drive over the mountain to the dentist for the new crown. I like it. And after talking to friends of my age and how much they are spending on their mouths I guess this flurry of dental attention is not all that bad. It just whacked the budget. So I am doing windshield time on my return and figuring out what money there is to pay my bill off on Wednesday and I stop by the garden shop and buy plants.

This was so stupid on so many levels. One, the van was still packed with all the art fair stuff. And two, money is tighter than I want it to be. Still, here in the high country there is such a tiny window of opportunity to garden, and the impatiens I had put in the two containers by the steps don't like our cold nights. Now there are Geraniums there. And I have a third container planted and on the shelf by the door. The opening of the studio tour is July 24, 25 and 26 and I want the outside to look as nice as the paintings inside. Well, that is my excuse and I am sticking with it.

Beyond the tooth, the unloading of the van, and the digging in the dirt yesterday was about catching up with all the little stuff that fell through the cracks the last few weeks. But today has the possibility of getting back closer to normal. Yeah, sure. Need to hit the weeding outside, unpack more paintings inside. And do some sketching and a little painting in the heat of the afternoon. There have been those ideas rattling around in my head for a week. Need to get them out and down on paper.

Nothing but the commission I just got has to be done in the next three weeks. But two ideas are for a themed show coming up. And I am looking forward to wanting to paint as opposed to have to paint.


  1. You'll be very glad with the crown and won't end up regretting the expense, I promise!

    Very nice feeling for you 'wanting' as opposed to 'must' with your painting...revel in it, my friend!


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