Sunday Morning Chat Over Coffee

Yesterday was a friend day. It began with a round of calls from my sister and others. Then continued through a few errands to lunch.

In my neck of the woods errands can be done in less than an hour. No traffic, not great distance, few shopping options. Or they can take hours because of running into friends. Yesterday was such a day. Old friends (Jack and Shirley with news they were moving back), new friends (a couple at the gallery that had questions), surprise friends (two census takers - yes, I did not mail mine in, folks), and just chatting with clerks about the new hardware store addition (long overdue) or the new clerk at the market.

I was late for lunch with Jessica. But then she was too. But that was of no consequence because she was talking to Jack and Shirley. No problem with the tardy table clearing because we just stood by their table and chatted until the new waitress got around to it. Then later that evening off to a reception in the middle of a huge rain storm, ergo it was sparsely attended. We have such great weather in New Mexico that we don't brave the bad. My neighbors did come. I don't see them in the neighborhood. But one person that should have attended for business reasons was not there after telling me she would be.

Nor did she call. Seems she had a date. Remember when you were in high school and your mates dropped all plans they had for ages for some dorky boy? I seriously thought we mountain women had outgrown that. We're an independent lot. Even the married women go out with the girls (some even prefer it). Us single women fall into two basic categories: No way am I going there again and Only if he has a twin engine plane and a business that keeps him away 50% of the time. So I am always shocked when I chance upon the boys first - GF's if I don't have a date type.

It is a newbie thing.  They just cannot help themselves. Big city women have two hobbies - shopping and collecting men. Neither of these two options are available here in the hills. We generally figure give them two years to adjust. Or move. But some of the old friends that move away, like Jack and Shirley, move back. Rather a large number in fact. It has gotten to the point I don't much take "goodbyes" seriously.

So today I am not answering the phone. Or going anywhere beyond one purr kid gig. You know where you stand with cats. They are very upfront.


  1. Glad to hear you took the time for leisure seriously...and it sounds like you quite enjoyed it too!

  2. Always good to have those days when one catches up with friends. I need to have one of those soon...


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