Suddenly It Dawned on Me


The only photos I have taken this summer have been in my yard. Or while taking care of another's yard. I did not make it out to the high plains to capture the Cholla in bloom or to see the bison calves. Summer is almost over and my garden shed has not been erected. And it took two friends to lure me into one day with camera at a close park.

The time without masks when restaurants have been open is almost over but I have not scanned a single menu. Haven't been to Santa Fe to walk down the aisles of a real fabric store. I have listened to a bunch of friends but only talked with a precious few. I know their dogs better. I didn't even know Thicke was pissed with me.

Oh, yes I have gotten a lot accomplished. But why? It reminds me of my first year in Washington DC. I was so looking forward to an eastern fall. Even had plans to drive up the coast and see Maine foliage. But I got involved in a political campaign and then found myself enmeshed in Watergate. And the next thing I know I was walking home on Capital Hill and all the leaves were under my feet, soggy and brown. I missed fall the next year too. I have memories of tear gas on the mall. And a cheating husband on crutches. Another blog.

This year it has been vrbo learning curve, dentist and more dentist, not being able to enjoy eating, friends with broken cars and broken friends, and new houses. And dogs, Thicke reminds me, entirely too many dogs. Everyone else booked flights and trips and dinners and had me watch the dogs. Cancelled lunch due to some issue. No more, Thicke says. He was stuck upstairs beyond the dog gate. Could not even sit on my lap during the evening streaming sessions. And BoBear had to give up places on the couch.

WHAT ABOUT ME? A Canadian friend is bitter because the smoke from fires stole her summer. I did get to garden but because of the dentist not eat any of that I raised. And the only photographs were of poppies and peonies. I am awaiting the sunflowers. And not plotting how to escape for parts of September. Or just hide the car on another road and pretend I am not at home. Thicke and BoBea and I will draw all the curtains and hide on the couch.

It is my covid free summer too. I will feel totally cheated if I do not get to enjoy some of it. I realized it was escaping me when I found myself not being interested in a new camera. What do I need a new camera for? Or even a new lens. The cell phone does a pretty good dog photo. I have got to get out of my house.


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